Wednesday, October 27, 2010

You are the Dreamer

It appears sometimes that we are at the mercy of something greater than us when in fact we are the dreamer of the dream. We get to decide what will occur next in this game of life. Do we choose to destry ourselves or do we choose to become the magnificent, powerful beings we truly are?
It is time to awaken from the nightmare Sisters and Brothers and know that no other has power over you and that collectively we are deciding all the time what kind of world we wish to create. Remember the fall of communisim? that happened without a revolution as such, what did occur is many people began to believe it could occur and with this it changed what seemed to be a monolith, yet with the power of collective belief and action it fell like a deck of cards.
That which is Anti-life cannot be sustained any longer..we are the dreamer of the dream, let us make it something beautiful and take back your one else will do it for you.
Blessings and Love, The Shining Web.